Practice and employment

At the Department of Science and Technology, students' 2-year training practice is conducted in the research laboratories of ATU, the department, and on trips to the enterprises of the city of Almaty and the Almaty region.

3.4 courses of production and pre-diploma practice students are organized at the leading enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan: JSC «KELETT», Institute of Mechanics and Machine Learning named after Academician U.A. Dzholdasbekova, LLP «SAYMAN», LLP IT Solutions center, OO HBK «Aksay», LLP «Teniz», LLP «CarlsbergKazakhstan», LLP «Becker and K», JSC «Rahat», LLP «Shin-Line», LLP «Maslo-Del», LLP «NGTTeiecom», JSC «Almatinsky yeast plant», JSC «UzenMunayGas» Management automation and telecommunications.

Negotiations are conducted with enterprises for practice, programs for practice are provided, practice leaders are appointed from the department and the enterprise, and at the end, a tripartite agreement is signed with the participation of students. During the practical training of the students, the supervisors of the trainees from the department keep track of the attendance and control the quality of the students' training with the departure to the enterprise in Almaty, maintaining direct communication with the supervisors of the trainees from the enterprises.

At the end of the internship, students prepare reports, sign diaries, receive feedback on the internship, and based on the results of the internship and report writing, they receive evaluations from the managers of the internship at the enterprises.

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